Things to do for April 02, 2015

The Weekender

Wine, Sunglasses and Picnics. The Weekend Does It All.

Here comes Peter Weekendtail.

Now Lunching: Brewer’s Fork and Ward 8

Now Lunching: Brewer’s Fork and Ward 8

The first new lunches of spring have bloomed.

If you want smoked-pork-shoulder pizza and meatball sandwiches: Brewer’s Fork can make that happen now.
If you want gruyère roast beef sandwiches and smoked-ham mac and cheese: Ward 8 can make that happen now.

You haven’t already eaten, have you...

Wine. Cheese. Southie.

Wine. Cheese. Southie.

Would you say no to a wine bar with an attached cheese shop and gourmet deli? No, you would not. So we’re going to take that same logic and apply it to Fromage, your new Southie refuge for fermented grapes and solid dairy products. “Cheese” has a better ring to it.

Dear the Sun: Not This Time

Dear the Sun: Not This Time

Ball and Buck’s joined forces with Randolph to forge you a new pair of gunmetal aviators designed specifically for fishing and boating. Or brunching and patio-ing. What we’re saying is, they’re versatile.

Found You an Easter Picnic Basket

Found You an Easter Picnic Basket

This Easter Sunday, Bread & Salt is making you a picnic basket inspired by a scene from The Wind in the Willows. It’ll be filled with housemade charcuterie, rhubarb-and-asparagus salad and tea sandwiches. Somewhere out there, Yogi Bear is losing his sh*t.

Many Momochans in a Former Church

Many Momochans in a Former Church

There’s an old Brazilian church in Magoun Square that’s now a Tibetan dumpling joint. Wasn’t that just a wonderful sentence. Anyway, chili-soaked momochans are about to become a more frequent occurrence in your life. Which will go on just like before, but better.

Opens Apr 5, Tasty Mo:Mo:, 503 Medford St, Somerville, 627-764-0222

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Radar in Boston