Things to do for August 21, 2014

The Weekender

Infinite Ribs. Margaritas Forever. The Weekend Can Do No Wrong.

Oh my God, Becky. Look at her weekend.

Summer’s Not Done with You Yet

Summer’s Not Done with You Yet

Gant. Ben Sherman. Shipley & Halmos Athletics. Levi’s Made & Crafted. Oh, don’t mind us. We were just internalizing all the nice spring and summer goods that are now 30% off during Uniform’s summer sale. The end of summer isn’t all that bad.

Ongoing, Uniform, 511 Tremont St, 617-247-2360

This Means “Tasty” in Another Language

This Means “Tasty” in Another Language

Time for your daily Tamil language lesson. Today’s word is “Suvai.” It means “tasty.” It’s also the not-inaccurate name of a new Cambridge eatery from the old Biryani Park crew. Get excited for tikka masala and goat biryani anytime now. This is your only Tamil language lesson, by the way.

Now open, Suvai, 2378 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, 857-259-6552

An Alfresco Good Will Hunting Screening

An Alfresco <em>Good Will Hunting</em> Screening

Robin Williams: alien, genie, skilled fake nanny and all-around mensch. And a permanent piece of Boston cinematic lore thanks to Good Will Hunting, which you’ll find on an outdoor screen at the Park at Channel Center this Friday. Your move, chief.

A Patio Where the Ribs Never End

A Patio Where the Ribs Never End

This could be the last patio party of the summer: a rib-based Tico soirée where a ticket grants you infinite margaritas and similarly infinite ribs in styles like cherrywood-smoked and sweet and sour. We’ll just stop here and let you weigh your options. It’s like multiple choice for ribs.

Wow, Another Patio Party. That’s Fair.

Wow, Another Patio Party. That’s Fair.

That “last patio party” thing we said back there... we lied. Because the Sinclair’s bringing an Island Fest to its own outdoor merrymaking area. And all the jerk kebabs and rum drinks that come along with it. Otherwise it would just be a “Fest.”

Aug 24, 3-6pm, $50, The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge, 617-547-5200

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Radar in Boston