Things to do for February 14, 2013

The Weekender

Blindfolds, MacGyver and Sledding

The weekend is still haunted by Biden’s zombie eye.

Eating Blind in a Victorian Brownstone

Eating Blind in a Victorian Brownstone

When you’re consuming food, your eyes are extremely helpful. Learn why by sitting down to a blindfolded four-course meal in a Victorian brownstone. Each dish is narrated to you and your date as you listen to music and use your hands to find your fork. Blindfolds. Hands. Valentine’s Day.

Racing Cardboard Sleds in NH

Racing Cardboard Sleds in NH

Perfect sledding conditions out there. As such, know that there’s a cardboard-sled race happening at a giant tubing hill in New Hampshire. Using nothing but cardboard and tape, you’ll build, decorate and register your chariot, then compete for prizes for fastest run and construction ingenuity. You got this.

Oscar Short Films at the ICA

Oscar Short Films at the ICA

You’ve seen a lot of the Academy Award nominees for Best Picture. Which left you little time for the live-action, animated and documentary shorts up for Oscars this year. Luckily, the ICA is screening them all from now until St. Paddy’s Day. These should do well with the ADHD set.

Nonstop MacGyver in Somerville

Nonstop <em>MacGyver</em> in Somerville

Daddy Jones is now all-out MacGyver on Monday nights. Think: nonstop episodes playing on their TVs, MacGyver-esque cocktails like screwdrivers served in hollowed-out orange peels, even liquor-y milkshakes garnished with paper clips and pieces of rope you get to keep. You know, just in case.

Mondays starting Feb 18, Daddy Jones, 525 Medford St, Somerville, 617-690-9095

Hawaiian Fun in the South End

Hawaiian Fun in the South End

Meanwhile, in the South End: Tremont647 has decided to see Nemo’s snowy call and raise it a night of luau exuberance. You’ll sip Plantation-rum-loaded mai tais and devour a three-course family-style meal (read: whole roasted pig). Juggling flaming staffs afterward: your call.

Feb 18, 6pm, $29.50, Tremont647, 647 Tremont St, reserve at 617-266-4600

Elsewhere on the Daddy

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