Things to do for January 10, 2013

The Weekender

Steak and Eggs, Campfire Snacks and Russian Cinema

The weekend is ready for some hockey.

All Month: Lunch for $5 at Shojo

All Month: Lunch for $5 at Shojo

If the last time you prowled around Chinatown for the sacred act of lunch was way back in 2012, pay attention. Sake temple Shojo is offering all lunch dishes for five bucks (think: Szechuan pork meatballs, duck fat fries, drunken noodles) in honor of turning five months old. Happy noodle-ing.

Throughout January, 11am-3pm, Shojo, 9A Tyler St, 617-423-7888

A North End Favorite Rises Again

A North End Favorite Rises Again

Back in July, a raging inferno crippled the kitchen of North End staple Prezza, leaving you sad. You hoped it would return. Well, good news: they’re back, and starting today they’re ready to dole out their wood-grilled squid and handmade pasta. My, what a nice smile you have.

Reopens Jan 10 at 4:30pm, Prezza, 24 Fleet St, 617-227-1577

A Classic Film, with Live Score

A Classic Film, with Live Score

You’re not a huge silent-film person. But when a great one from Mother Russia comes calling, you’ll take notice. Thus, you’ll enjoy the screening of Sergei Eisenstein’s 1925 classic Strike in Somerville, accompanied by a local composer performing a live score. No, you don’t need to speak Russian.

Brunch Wonderment at the Tip Tap Room

Brunch Wonderment at the Tip Tap Room

Your resolution to eat healthier in 2013: so far, so good. But Beacon Hill’s beloved Tip Tap Room has started a Sunday brunch, ushering in a regular infusion of steak and eggs served on french toast, and Belgian beer waffles. Good luck, diet.

Tasting Ideal Campfire Foods in NH

Tasting Ideal Campfire Foods in NH

If you’re cross-country skiing in New Hampshire this weekend, you’ll want to hit up this tasting in Grantham. They’ll be serving you brunch-y dishes from 11 local inns and restaurants by six outdoor fire pits to ascertain the best treats for campfire-flanked noshing. Yes, they know about marshmallows.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Radar in Boston