Things to do for July 19, 2012

The Weekender

Shark Hunting, Vintage Basketballs and Bar Olympics

The weekend is gonna need a bigger boat.

A Beloved Tapas Joint, Now Supersized

A Beloved Tapas Joint, Now Supersized

Brookline’s dynamite Spanish tapas joint Taberna de Haro appears to have been listening to your cries to address the extra-cozy quarters. They took the vacant adjacent space, swung a few sledgehammers, and presto—a second wine bar and dining area. Naturally, ordering double the tapas is in order.

Going After Jaws on Martha’s Vineyard

Going After Jaws on Martha’s Vineyard

You never got that shark-hunting badge during Boy Scouts. So consider the shark-hunting tournament on the Vineyard this weekend your chance for redemption. Required: three buddies, a boat and an iron will for catching (and releasing) thresher, porbeagle and mako sharks for points. Not required: Richard Dreyfuss.

Jul 19-21, $1,575, teams of four minimum, Oaks Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard, register here

Found: Vintage Leather Basketballs

Found: Vintage Leather Basketballs

You welcome any chance to bring a touch of sports yesteryear to your apartment. Enter Sir Jack’s, who has begun carrying über-handsome, American-made, hand-stitched 1900s-style leather basketballs from Leather Head. They’re regulation-size. Designed for indoor play. And just like that NordicTrack in your office, used just for show.

Drinking Wine. Watching Cyclists.

Drinking Wine. Watching Cyclists.

Sadly, the Tour de France is all over come Sunday. So we’re thinking you’ll want to hit Trade’s Tour de France party that night, where you’ll join fellow race/funky-helmet appreciators, watch highlights and be presented with select French wines while hors d’oeuvres are passed around. Yes, including their fantastic flatbreads.

Going for Gold. In Shuffleboard.

Going for Gold. In Shuffleboard.

Your graduate paper extolling the subtle genius that shuffleboard requires proved you’re a force of theory (ah, liberal arts). And on Wednesday, you can employ your practical mastery for shuffleboard gold at the Bar Olympics at Kings, along with competitive skee-ball, bowling and cornhole. Which was huge in ancient Greece.

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