Things to do for April 05, 2012

The Weekender

Epic Burlesque, Cape Cod and New Coffee

The weekend stuffs a mean shellfish.

Three Days of Burlesque in Cambridge

Three Days of Burlesque in Cambridge

Hey. Got your text. And the answer is: yes, there is a three-day burlesque expo kicking off Friday with a burlesque revue, continuing Saturday with a burlesque competition and concluding Sunday with a showcase of rising burlesque talent. No word on a burlesque Easter egg hunt.

Comedy, Then Bourbon and Meat

Comedy, Then Bourbon and Meat

You could use a few laughs. Enter: the Black Comedy show at the Davis Square Theatre on Friday. The theater is connected to Saloon, which means after catching the local jokesmiths, you can shake off the giggles next door over bourbon and meat platters. Laughter = meat cravings.

The Cape. Quahogs. You.

The Cape. Quahogs. You.

If the Cape is calling this weekend, head to Falmouth for a showcase of stuffed quahogs (think: chorizo and clams), with you as judge. There’ll also be a DJ and a raffle for lobster rolls the size of small footballs. Which is as small as you go for lobster rolls.

Dwelltime Coffee Opens

Dwelltime Coffee Opens

As a self-admitted coffee snob, you have no qualms making special trips to procure a stellar cup of java. Well, good news: boutique coffeehouse Dwelltime opens on Saturday, bringing beans from a local roaster and authentic Italian espresso machinery to Cambridge. Not to mention your mornings.

Opens Apr 7, Dwelltime, 364 Broadway, Cambridge, 617-714-5536

Floridian Foodstuffs in Inman Square

Floridian Foodstuffs in Inman Square

Breaking: the Florida Keys are still really far away. So head to the East Coast Grill on Monday for a one-night offering of Keys-ian drinks (rum runners, mojitos) and dishes (rum-BBQ shrimp tacos). They’ll even have de-shelled, octopus-y hot cracked conch. Chances of hearing the ocean: slim.

Apr 9, 5:30-10pm, East Coast Grill, 1271 Cambridge St, Cambridge, reserve at 617-491-6568

Elsewhere on the Daddy

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