From Seeds to Suds

Hop to It

America's Next Great Brewer: You

UD - From Seeds to Suds They say if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

This is especially true in the case of starting your own line of haute couture jean shorts.

Also: beer making.

So when we heard that a modest little farm in Little Haiti was going to be giving you the tools to begin manufacturing your own brand of lager this weekend, we knew you'd want to know immediately so that you could begin TiVo-ing March Madness and spitballing microbrew names (we like "South Beach Golden Wheat").

Presenting From Seeds to Suds, an introduction to home brewing, taking place this Sunday.

Essentially, it's the kind of hands-on tutorial you imagine going on in the Anheuser-Busch household when a little Budweiser heir turns six years old (prime beer-teaching age). The four-hour crash course shows you how to take the raw materials of any great brew—hops, malted barley, yeast—and mold them into a sudsy, amber-colored, magic elixir.

You'll walk away with a six-pack of your own creation (so make sure to bring several empty glass beer bottles), as well as the power to make beer in your own home, at any time.

Try to abuse it.


From Seeds to Suds
at Earth N' Us Farm
7630 NE First Ave
Miami, FL, 33138

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