
The UrbanDaddy Miami Father's Day Gift Guide

VR Skydiving, Personalized Bottles of Tequila and Everything in Between

By Ginger Harris ·
None 8 Photos The UrbanDaddy Miami Father's Day Gift Guide

Ah, Father's Day.

The day you let dear old dad know all the things that you appreciate about him.

How he taught you to ride a bike. How he shared his wisdom on home repairs. How he showed you how to finally nail parallel parking.

And what better way to show your appreciation than with a gift from this very UrbanDaddy Miami Father's Day Gift Guide. Just a few tokens of your appreciation—whether it be a python-skin skateboard or a VR skydiving experience—that should get the message out loud and clear.

Especially if he's a "python-skin skateboard" kind of dad...

Ginger Harris

On a typical Wednesday, Ginger Harris is likely seeking reposado tequila, squeezing her way to the front of a concert or jumping on the back of an Indian motorcycle. That’s just Wednesdays, though.

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