Midtown Indoor Soccer

Goal Man

A Downtown Soccer Mecca, With Air-Conditioning

UD - Midtown Indoor Soccer Oh, the joys of an evening soccer game. The thrill of competition, the anticipation of a post-game beer run, the 100-degree heat mixed with 99 percent humidity.

Yeah. Up until now, that was what you had to put up with. But like any great indoor activity in the city, soccer deserves the cool embrace of air-conditioning as well. And a live DJ. And massive projector screens.

Say hello to Midtown Indoor Soccer, your new frosty soccer club in downtown, now open and accepting gooooaaaals.

Whether you're interested in joining the coed league (of course you are) or want to dabble in the occasional post-work pick-up action, you'll head to this massive soccerplex in Wynwood, equipped with 6000 square feet of luscious artificial turf, a killer sound system and overhead projectors that beam international soccer games on the walls while you play.

The place is owned and operated by a Frenchman and his DJ partner, so naturally there's a European flair to the proceedings. The clientele includes the usual smattering of South Americans, Italians and the rare Brit or two (be wary of the Manchester United diehards). Weekdays the place is open from about 5pm to 2am, and even later if there's an Olympique de Marseille game on. And it's close enough to the clubs on 14th should you feel in the mood for a post-game club run.

Women love a man in uniform.


Midtown Indoor Soccer
370 NW 24th St
Miami, FL 33127

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