
This Sound-Reactive LED Mask Is Trippy As Hell

You've Got to See This Thing In Action

By Ilana Dadras ·

You've never attended a concert before wearing an illuminated Obama-inspired mask able to convert sound waves into programmed patterns of light.

Let's change that...

Behold the very trippy, very creepy, ultimately very cool LED Mask created by the creative entrepreneurs behind the Canadian collective Outline Montréal. It's currently some $200,000 above it's Kickstarter goal and counting, so safe to say the world needed this. Before we go any further, have a look at the damn thing in action.

The mask itself integrates art and tech into a lightweight, foldable and adjustable mask that can transcribe any sort of music into illuminations. It's powered by phosphorus ink, which produces a particular kind of neon glow, and a lithium modulator that can convert sound waves into programmed patterns of pure organic light. 

And they've just added eight different designs to the mix, including a jaguar, a fox, a Hunter S. Thompson in Fear and Loathing-inspired mask and last, but not least, the Obamask.

Scoop one up for your next rave, Burn, concert, family dinner, festival, Burning Man, meet-the-parents...  

The Sound Reactive LED Mask, $35, available for pre-order now

Ilana Dadras

Ilana Dadras passes her days writing about good food, talking about good food and consuming good food. Occasionally doing other things, too.

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