
The Hot Seat

Where to Get Romantic on Valentine’s Day

You know those people who wait until February 13 to make Valentine’s Day reservations: don’t be them. Seriously. It’s imperative that you avoid the consolation box of Whitman’s. To that end, we’ve compiled the best seats for a romantic tête-à-tête around town. The reservations lines are open... now.

Table #820, Seasalt and Pepper

Table #820, Seasalt and Pepper

You Require: Lobster. Bubbly. Oh, and a panoramic view of the Miami River couldn’t hurt.
You’ll Receive: A cozy wooden table nestled up against the water at Seasalt and Pepper. The view: unobstructed river. The bounty: lobster, champagne, oysters. Because you know what they say about oysters. We hope.

The Wine Cellar, Via Verdi

The Wine Cellar, Via Verdi

You Require: All of the wine at your fingertips. Also: some killer meatballs.
You’ll Receive: The only table in Via Verdi’s wine cellar. Great for soulful stares over veal meatballs, gnocchi and glasses of barolo. Okay, you can stop staring at your gnocchi. It’s getting weird.

Table #414, Villa Azur

Table #414, Villa Azur

You Require: Something French. Those guys know what they’re doing.
You’ll Receive: This white banquette in Villa Azur’s covered garden courtyard. Picture it: the flickering candlelight, the illuminated trees, the... blowtorch melting a wheel of parmesan into your awaiting fettuccine. A standing ovation wouldn’t be completely out of place here.

Villa Azur, 309 23rd St, Miami Beach, 305-763-8688

The Fireplace Table, Rouge

The Fireplace Table, Rouge

You Require: Ambient lighting courtesy of a crackling flame.
You’ll Receive: Plates of French and Moroccan delicacies like bowls of harira and magret de canard. Brought over to a rustic table for two by a roaring fire in a brick-lined garden. Yes, that would count as romantic.

Rouge, 908 71st St, Miami Beach, 305-720-9125

Table #54, Restaurant Michael Schwartz

Table #54, Restaurant Michael Schwartz

You Require: A couch. A starry night. Hedy Goldsmith’s desserts.
You’ll Receive: A cozy couch under a sea grape tree, which happens to be the preferred canoodling spot after some lemon meringue bread pudding at Restaurant Michael Schwartz. It’s located by the pool––hey, what happens at the deep end...

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