Things to do for December 26, 2013

The Weekender

pagne, Dancing and a New Year’s Recovery Plan

The weekend is nigh.

Your Final Dance Number

Your Final Dance Number

Should you be in the market for an over-the-top, dance-all-night kind of party with DJs named Deadmau5 and Kaskade... that can be arranged. Just get to the convention center on Friday (and/or Saturday) for flashing lights, gyrating crowds and, probably, energy drinks mixed with champagne. Okay, definitely.

Thai Food, Thai Beer, Thai Rock

Thai Food, Thai Beer, Thai Rock

If you’re going to survive New Year’s Eve, you’ll need some food in your system. Pakpao has some food. Good food. Like blue crabs and noodles. So eat that and then stick around for a live Thai rock band. They’ll be playing all your favorite Thai rock songs.

Dec 31, 5pm-2am, Pakpao Thai, 1628 Oak Lawn Ave, Ste 120, 214-749-7002

Celebrating New Year’s. Several Times.

Celebrating New Year’s. Several Times.

Tuesday at midnight. It’s going to be great. But if you’re feeling impatient, there’s this around-the-world party at Windmill Lounge. Each hour you’ll toast to a different city as their respective clocks strike midnight. Hey, it’s only fair...

One Final Show at the Granada

One Final Show at the Granada

The Granada’s provided you with many good times this year. And for their encore: a New Year’s Eve concert with Jonathan Tyler & the Northern Lights, plus the Quaker City Night Hawks. They’ll be the ones making all that noise.

The Year Begins with Brunch

The Year Begins with Brunch

It’s best to start the new year off right, with a resolution beginning immediately on January 1. Preferably one that’s easy to keep. Like brunching on steak and eggs at Fearing’s to absolve all your partied-too-hard-the-night-before sins. That sounds doable.

Jan 1, 11:30am-3pm, Fearing’s, 2121 McKinney Ave, 214-922-4848

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