Burn Notice Fire Sale

Burn Out

Buying the Stuff from Burn Notice

Ah, Burn Notice.

Not since Crockett and Tubbs has our town had such a passionate love affair with the small screen. And after seven seasons, they’re saying so long. We’ll miss Michael’s dapper suits. Sam’s uncanny ability to successfully pull off florals. And Fiona. Just... Fiona.

Anyway, they’d like to leave you with some parting gifts. Specifically, most of their props, furniture, clothing and cars. You can procure the stuff two ways: first, at the first-come, first-served Burn Notice Fire Sale at the Coconut Grove Convention Center tomorrow. Then, at the online auction on Wednesday. And here are the items you’ll want to zero in on.

Item: Michael’s Hugo Boss suit.
Potential Uses: Power lunching; post-work cocktailing on Brickell; casually deflecting military intelligence operatives.

Item: Sam’s Tommy Bahama watch.
Potential Uses: Marking time; Father’s Day gifting; discussion topic when you run into Bruce Campbell.

Item: Coasters from Carlito’s.
Potential Uses: Holding martinis; poker-night beer rest; makeshift frisbees.

Item: Michael’s black leather flask.
Potential Uses: Discreetly smuggling hooch; multitasking paperweight.

Item: The 1973 Dodge Charger.
Potential Uses: Drag racing; cruising down Ocean Drive; evading shadowy NSA agents/questionable first dates.

Okay, probably more like the first dates.


Burn Notice Fire Sale
at Coconut Grove Convention Center
2700 S Bayshore Dr
Miami, FL, 33133

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