
Gold Standard

Training Like an Olympic Medalist

This weekend, you’ll watch the Olympics. And at some point between the incredible displays of speed, strength and Lycra singlets, you may think, “Hell, I could do that.” Well, we’re here to say... maybe. Let’s find out. Below: five training options to start you on the road to Rio 2016. Gold, totally your color.

How to Lift Really Heavy Things

How to Lift Really Heavy Things

The Training: A powerlifting program taught by a USA Olympic coach whose former students include several world record holders. Here, you’ll be schooled in the art of the squat, snatch and bench press. Remember to bring a spotter.
Degree of Difficulty: High. No pain, no gain.

14,000 Square Feet of Ping-Pong Fury

14,000 Square Feet of Ping-Pong Fury

The Training: What you’re looking at here is one of the finest ping-pong facilities in the world. A Junior Olympic training site with 16 tables, a weight room and a pair of automatic ball-pitching robots. Call them the Gump5000.
Degree of Difficulty: Medium. One of the robots has a nasty overhand smash.

Sword-Fighting Lessons from the French

Sword-Fighting Lessons from the French

The Training: You don’t understand fencing. But the French do. So when learning how to sword fight for sport, you’ll turn to a stable of Parisian coaches who are FIE, USFA and USFCA certified. Those are fencing organizations... or a bunch of random letters.
Degree of Difficulty: Low. Just watch the face.

Run. Swim. Bike. Repeat.

Run. Swim. Bike. Repeat.

The Training: The triathlon. Where they separate the men from the boys. And the world-class athletes from the ones who compete in equestrian. This program: operated by a professional trainer/drill sergeant who’ll run you through the paces. Plus a few half marathons.
Degree of Difficulty: High. Start carb-loading. Now.

Shooting Bows in the ’Glades

Shooting Bows in the ’Glades

The Training: An 18-acre plot in the Everglades that’s been reserved for 3D bow hunting and high-powered Olympic recurve practice. You can sign up for private lessons in each and learn proper shooting technique. Also, how to not kill yourself.
Degree of Difficulty: Extremely high. You’re surrounded by arrows... and alligators.

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