Canned Brews

The Final Draft

Canned Craft Brews

You've heard the saying before: It's what's on the inside that counts.

And we think it's never rung truer than when talking about microbrewed beers in a can.

That's right: Your long wait is over. Two of 21st Amendment's best craft beers—Brew Free or Die IPA and Hell or High Watermelon Wheat—are pouring their way into a container you know and (used to) love: the aluminum can, available in stores and bars around the city starting next Wednesday.

Simultaneously killing the myths that cans are for college and quality brews are found only in bottles, the guys at 21st pulled a page out of Milwaukee's craft-brewing playbook. And while you might not think of picking up a six-pack of canned artisanal beer, rest assured that the hops, malt and yeast combinations that set 21st apart from factory brews are still there; the only difference is now it comes in a lighter, more compact, shatterproof container (read: easier to hide at the beach).

And as far as which of the two brews to choose, the IPA's a classic, but we say reach for the watermelon wheat. It's unfiltered and brewed with fresh watermelon juice, and it's actually far drier and less sweet than you might think.

Which brings us to another classic: Things aren't always what they seem.


Canned Brews
543 2nd St
(at Bryant)
San Francisco, CA, 94107

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