
Truffle Shuffle

Nun-Friendly Chocolate, Just in Time for Easter

UD - Handmade Olive Oil Chocolates Sunday: five days away.

Also, Easter.

Which means it’s probably time to start thinking about brunch reservations, competitive seersucker-offs and creepy rabbits who walk upright and hide things.

Oh, and maybe some type of nun-related chocolate item...

Naturally. Introducing Handmade Olive Oil Chocolates, a brand-new batch of nun-approved truffles from an Italian olive oil company, available now for your annual Easter-gifting requirement of passage.

We’ll get to those nuns later. Of immediate concern: the fact that each one of these dark chocolate, truffle-y gifting munitions is handmade overseas and meticulously injected with ganache fillings like mandarin, lemon and chili oil.

Which means that this Sunday, somewhere between brunch Bloodys and the first heat of your underwater Easter egg hunt, you’ll want to whip out a box of these and present it to the pastel-sundressed confidant of your choosing. And in the interest of diplomacy, we’re pretty sure your mom wouldn’t mind being on the receiving end of this little scenario either (just saying).

And yes, each box of truffles is packaged with the utmost of care by a group of nuns... presumably working in perfect unison high atop an Italian hillside while listening to Pavarotti and blessing your chocolate.

You don’t trust your truffles to non-nuns.


Handmade Olive Oil Chocolates
available from Nudo

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