Sweet Ride ATL

Ride or Die

A Bike Full of Alcohol-Friendly Desserts

UD - Sweet Ride ATL Last night: probably the loudest ever.

But somewhere between waking up to a deafening cacophony of thunder and silencing your car alarm for the 76th time, you had a dream.

Something about a sunny day. Girls on bikes. Oh, and booze...

Although, you’re still trying to figure out what ice cream sandwiches had to do with anything.

Maybe we can help. Say hello to Sweet Ride ATL, the city’s first (and definitely only) dessert bike brought to you by the crack mother-daughter team behind Cake Hag, now randomly rolling through the streets of Atlanta.

So you may remember us telling you about an alcohol-friendly bakery called Cake Hag a while back. Well, turns out they’ve given up their Downtown digs for a new HQ in Grant Park. Fine. Probably for the best.

But between adding breakfast and a few new mad scientist-y baked goods to the menu, they also felt the inexplicable urge to throw a bike into the fold. So after tracking Maggie and Katie down via the nearest Twitter feed dispersal unit, you’ll want to show up to whichever bike-friendly location they’re riding through next.

Which is where you’ll quickly come to expect a mélange of “cookwiches” and “cakewiches” from Limoncello to Red Wine Velvet with spiked cabernet reduction ice cream to Dark Chocolate Cake with a Kahlua-based ice cream.

It’s not your moonshine reduction, but still.


Sweet Ride ATL
from Cake Hag
575 Boulevard SE
Atlanta, GA, 30312

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