Beer & Grilled Cheese Dinner

Cheese Company

Six Courses of Grilled Cheese and Beer

UD - Beer & Grilled Cheese Dinner Ah, the grilled cheese.

You’ve paired it with wine. Garnished your Bloodys with it. Paid off the lunch lady for an extra slice of the good stuff.

And now, you’re about to plan a date around it.

Introducing the Beer & Grilled Cheese Dinner, a six-course, aptly named trust fall into the capable hands of... a crepe chef, now taking reservations for this Thursday’s seating at Crepe Revolution.

If you’ve never been to this place before, just picture a typical crepe spot. Then un-picture it and look for this—an intimate, dimly lit lounge dripping with dark wood, plush leather couches and a black granite bar.

You’ll squire your date through the lounge amid wafts of Cabot jalapeño and Roquefort cheeses before finding your name cards and grabbing a communal seat with your cohorts for the evening. Sit back. Get to know each other. Then, wait for it...

Your initial foray begins unassumingly—an IPA paired with traditional cheddar. But as the evening progresses, your sandwich-y mettle will be tested by way of Inside Out Parmesan paired with Saranac brown ale and Corned Beef, German Tilsit and Sauerkraut on Pretzel Bread accompanied by a glass of hefeweizen.

Also worth mentioning: it’s completely sold out.

Also also worth mentioning: if you RSVP and drop our name by tomorrow afternoon, you’re in, no questions asked.

Grilled cheese knows no opposition.

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