Gentleman’s Mary

Served Up

Introducing the Gentleman’s Mary

UD - Gentleman’s Mary You’re about to have a big weekend.

The Hurricane flights. Parading down Peachtree wearing nothing but a mask and a few strategically placed beads. Who knows, you might even celebrate Mardi Gras.

But eventually the dust will settle.

At which point you will find yourself at brunch, with a serious need to re-up your status as a functioning member of society.

Enter the Gentleman’s Mary, a new off-menu conglomerate of gin, wine, four different liqueurs and a secret tomato-y mélange... all cleverly disguised as a Bloody Mary, now available at Diesel in Virginia Highland.

You may have gathered by now, but this thing is pretty much in flagrant violation of every Bloody Mary code of conduct imaginable. So as you head into Diesel this Sunday (or any day, for that matter) to self-administer the required dosage of Death Muffins and Benedict Explosions, give your server a quick head nod, complement her on her tattoos and ask for the Gentleman’s Mary by name.

The exact recipe is very much a mystery (and honestly, you really don’t care at this point), but after a few minutes of careful preparation, you’ll be presented with the key to your morning-after salvation in all its aforementioned gin- and wine-laced glory.

Oh, and this isn’t part of the package, but if you ask nicely, they’ll even throw in a bacon stir stick for good measure.

You didn’t come here for celery.


Gentleman’s Mary
available at Diesel
870 N Highland Ave
Atlanta, GA, 30306

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