Steady Hand Pour House

Steady as She Goes

Science-y Coffee and Open Flames in Emory Village

You walk into a coffee shop.

Somebody pours you a cup of coffee. And then you drink it. Standard procedure.

But you’ve always felt the preparation of your caffeine-y beverages could use a bit more... fanfare.

Open flames and the coffee version of a chemistry set should do.

Welcome to Steady Hand Pour House, a new coffee lair built on the bones of the old Octane space with a very specific tendency towards showmanship (but more on that later), soft-open now in Emory Village.

So a while back we talked about a couple of guys who turned an old-school VW van into a coffee truck called Rattletrap. Well, they’re back. Only this time they’ve decided to move things inside—you’ll find a few handcrafted wooden tables, light blue walls... and that’s about it.

But you didn’t come here for the ambiance. No, you came here for a show. And it comes in the form of the city’s first and only cup of Syphon—an intricate process that, through the powers of magic, involves dramatically sucking (yes, siphoning) coffee from one glass vessel into another over an open flame.

The whole thing pretty much looks like something Bill Nye the Science Guy and Juan Valdez would’ve thrown together while hopped up on the good stuff, but the end result is one of the most crisp, gloriously syrupy cups of Intelligentsia out there.

Oh, and they also have a Syphon for Two on the menu...

You can’t remember a coffee-siphoning date that didn’t end well.


Steady Hand Pour House
1593 N Decatur Rd
Atlanta, GA, 30307

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