
Nautical by Nature

Champagning on a Yacht

UD - The Advantaged Yacht Charters The Columbus Day Regatta is right around the corner, and you know what that means: it’s time to rewatch Summer Rental.

Also: you’ll need a boat. Which is where The Advantaged Yacht Charters comes in.

Here’s the deal: if you’re willing to look past the Thurston Howell-y name, The Advantaged can set you up with a boat, a captain and enough food and drinks to keep you and 11 of your friends happily buoyed.

We recommend renting a 45-foot vessel (anything over 70 feet will relegate you to the fringe, which you don’t want... and anything over 130 feet will look like you’re overcompensating for something) and asking to have it stocked with all the necessities: linens, dishes and towels. (Also: champagne, wine and food from Epicure. You know, just the basics.)

Then, when October 9 hits, you and your fellow seafarers will hop on board and cruise down to Elliott Key, the epicenter of the action. And by action we mean parties, water-gun fights and a lot of highly intensive clothing optional-ness.

It’s good to have options.


The Advantaged Yacht Charters

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