Sure, you've been preoccupied. With weighty matters. Like the over-under in the Jets-Colts game.
But fear not—we've uncovered something so exclusive, so amorous that men will one day sing songs of your romantic prowess (ballads, of course).
Presenting the Sin Den at CityZen, a tiny, private, romantic restaurant within a restaurant, created especially for Valentine's weekend, accepting a scant few reservations now.
If your previous V Day plan was to jet off to Miami and languor in a breezy poolside cabana, but you had to give your sunscreen concierge the week off, consider this the next closest thing—only sub the pool for a four-star kitchen.
Since you're looking to keep things focused, the enclosed, candlelit, flower-laden hut of wispy white fabric—complete with a loveseat and plenty of pillows—will be perfect for...demonstrating your affection.
Yes, there will be plenty of champagne and wine to match all six succulent, shareable courses—think Rappahannock River Oysters en Persillade, Baked Sunchoke Cannelloni and plenty of chocolate—but service is designed to keep your eyes on the prize, not your server, so expect minimal interruption and a waitstaff prepared to look the other way should you decide to, well, sin.
Wait till you see their private barstool of depravity for St. Pat's.