Maybe you're in the middle of spring cleaning and want to purge your closet.
Maybe you started a new job and need a few reliable pieces to wear to work.
Or maybe some Cinderella just screwed up your bracket and you need quick cash to pay off your bookie.
These are all valid reasons to sell some of your clothing and shoes.
And now Mr Porter is making that easier with Mr Porter Resell, a new service that's buying up your old items so you can put money back in your pocket... and then spend it all to refresh your wardrobe.
To make it happen, Mr Porter teamed up with resale gurus Reflaunt. The service is available to all customers in the U.S., U.K., Germany and Hong Kong.
Once you've identified what you want to sell, head to the website. That's where you can input particulars like category, brand and condition.
You don't need to ship anything—they'll collect the items directly from your home. They'll even handle photography, product descriptions and pricing, which is determined after experts evaluate the goods. Once something sells, you can choose to receive your payment as cash, or you can take payment as Mr Porter credit, which adds an additional 10% to your total.
This service is a great way to reduce landfill waste and extend the life of your clothes by finding them a new, loving home.
It's also a good way to score some money or store credit, so you can start the cycle all over again.