Food & Drink

Rare Mezcals Shipped to Your Door

Some of Mexico's Finest Agave Spirits Can Be Yours


These days, it's difficult to go to a bar without tripping over some mezcal.

Great bottles of the Mexican agave spirit are being stocked on shelves and poured into your cocktails. 

And yet, the people who make it are still keeping some of the most interesting bottles all to themselves.

That's about to change. Because now, those same people are generously sending boxes of the stuff straight to your door.

Maguey Melate is behind the operation. They're a Oaxaca-based outfit dedicated to sharing the merits of artisanal, sustainably-produced mezcal with the world. And their subscription boxes for doing just that are available now.

You've got two options. Signup for the just-launched Mezcalero of the Month Club, and you'll receive two 375ml bottles of limited edition mezcals that highlight small, under-the-radar distillers. In addition to the spirits, you'll get videos, photos and information about the people who made them and the specific agaves they're using. Which means you might learn a thing or two as you sip on something delicious.

Photo: Chris Crisman

You can also try the Signature Box, which involves an actual pine box laced with three artisanal mezcals, plus clay mezcal cups, a couple sipping glasses, three wood corks and a local piece of art. Perfect if you're extra thirsty/need to do some decorating.

Whichever route you choose to go, you'll receive well-made, chemical-free, small-batch spirits produced from diverse agaves. And if you taste something that you really like from one of the boxes, you can order individual bottles through the website.

Winter is a lot more bearable with a steady mezcal supply.

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