
You Can Live in the Brady Bunch House Now

Assuming You Buy It First

By Hadley Tomicki ·

It’s the place where a football pegged Marcia in the schnozz and Greg dyed his hair blonde. The same address where Bobby hustled the family at pool and Jan railed against suffocating familial neglect. The place where Carol Brady brought up three very lovely girls with a man named Brady who was living with three boys of his own.

We speak, of course, of the Brady Bunch House. It’s currently for sale on Zillow. Not just some flimsy façade on a studio backlot, the 3-bed/3-bathroom house used for exterior shots on the 5-year series is located in L.A.’s Studio City. It currently has an asking price of $1.885 million.

That sounds high for three bedrooms. Even for an oversaturated modern metropolis.

If you think that may be countered by warm, fuzzy memories of Peter, Tiger and the gang as you pull up to the driveway and see the house, you may also be slightly disappointed. Changes were made for the show and have been made since, rendering it a little unrecognizable on a first glance. And you wouldn't have any of the stuff inside.

Nonetheless, the sellers are hoping to keep the famous house preserved in a city and neighborhood where family residences are suffering rampant extermination to developers with plans to replace them with new apartments.

As for you, we would never stop you from buying the Brady house. You may never get the theme song out of your head, but we'll look forward to your backyard barbecues.

But if you want save $1.885 million for the time-being, you can always check it out in a drive-by tour of your own design. Los Angeles is thick with homes you may have seen in TV and movies, from the Fisher’s funeral home domicile in Six Feet Under to futuristic apartments from Blade Runner and a half-zillion others in between. 

Hadley Tomicki

Hadley Tomicki lives in Los Angeles. He is probably going nowhere on the 10 Freeway this very second.

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