Food & Drink

Your Ultimate Super Bowl Delivery Options

Bespoke Ale, Crack Pie and Pepperoni Straws Straight to Your Door

By Hadley Tomicki ·

Super Bowl  LII is just a weekend away. Whether you’re watching it for the game or watching it for the commercials or the Timberlake, we can all agree on one thing: This is a great excuse to eat and drink a lot.

Rather than spend half your day hacking apart chicken wings and following byzantine chili recipes, we want you comfortably seated in front of that TV, eating the legendary sandwiches and snacks that can be delivered straight to your door from across the country.

And we’re hoping this guide to the best deliverable junk foods can help.

The Beer: Unlimited Brewing Company will help you create your own personal beer, either from a long list of recipes that it covets or in a bespoke number designed completely from scratch. You do some of your best work in beer. Unlimited Brewing Company

The Sandwich: Is going to be the infamous #19 from LA’s beloved pastrami-sandwich temple Langer’s, which delivers overnight by air. This could prove habit-forming. Langer’s Deli, $99

The Hot Dogs: Are coming to you directly from National Coney Island, the Michigan stronghold of wieners and buns. Nice catch. National Coney Island, $50

The Chili: Ben’s Chili Bowl is a magical place that will send you regional U.S. specialties like she-crab soup and half-smokes. But you’re just hitting them up for some chili for game day. Having had mixed success with she-crab soup in the past. Ben’s Chili Bowl, $64

 The Wings: You’re going to get an overnight delivery of wings from Anchor Bar in Buffalo, the very place where buffalo wings are said to come from. You believe in going straight to the source. Anchor Bar, $200

The Pizza: Chances are, you already know a local place that can bring you pizza. And now you know a place that will ship you deep-dish pizza from Chicago’s Giordano’s. Do what you must with this knowledge. Giordano’s Deep-Dish, $70

The Dessert: You placed an order with Christina Tosi’s Milk Bar. And now you have Crack Pie at your Super Bowl party. Al Michaels will call it the smartest play of the day. Milk Bar

The Morning After: You had the foresight to order a Bloody Mary crate with pepperoni straws from Man Crates for Monday. Which was wise. Because you’re not ready to become a productive member of society today. Man Crates, $90

Hadley Tomicki

Hadley Tomicki lives in Los Angeles. He is probably going nowhere on the 10 Freeway this very second.

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