
The Summer Health Date

Both a Sexy Infrared Sauna and Mocktails Against Trump Are Involved

By Ilana Dadras ·
None 5 Photos The Summer Health Date
Welcome to Summer Dates, a super creatively titled series where we dream up every kind of person you might be out with, every situation, every weather, and every allergy possibility and put them into a special machine that spits out flawless itineraries for up to a full day of planned togetherness. Either that, or we just crafted them from stuff we know and like. We’ll never tell.

First up, we’ve got your healthy day date, one for the juice-loving, vegan exercise machine of your fantasies of a different way of life.

Right this way...
Ilana Dadras

Ilana Dadras passes her days writing about good food, talking about good food and consuming good food. Occasionally doing other things, too.

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