Food & Drink

You Can Now Purchase Bags of Crumbled-on-Purpose Potato Chips

Hard to Say Why This Is a Real Thing, but It’s a Real Thing

By Kevin Gray ·
You know how the chips at the bottom of the bag are all broken and messy and get all over your hands, stuck in beards, spill on floors and generally just ruin your day...

Annoying, right?


Well, still kind of right. But those crumbled bits of processed potatoes and seasonings have spurred a new enterprise that specializes in providing just that—bags filled entirely with what’s usually at the bottom of the bag.

The name: FailChips. They’re a product of MailChimp, the email people. And yet... somehow are a real thing, as evidenced by this bag we’ve obtained from an NYC bodega and are holding in our hands right this very moment. They’re available in three flavors—Salt & Vinegar, Jalapeno and Barbecue—in several markets across the country. So keep an eye out.

The production process is quite simple. These guys take regular, whole, not-broken chips, and then crush them up into little crunchy bits. And then put those bits into bags. And then sell them to curious people like us.

Naturally, you don’t want to eat crumbled chips with your hands because of very real grease-related problems (what if you have to unlock your phone later, or work a doorknob?). So to eat these things, you simply tear open the corner of the bag and pour them directly into your mouth.

Problem, meet solution.

It’s perfect for those who’ve long been forced to choose between bottom-of-the-bag chips and cleanliness.

Or for those whose moms still cut up their meat for them at dinner.
Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray lives in Texas. He likes whiskey, weekends and hammocks, often at the same time.

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