Food & Drink

Happy Hour

It’s Time. Break Out Your Punch Bowl.

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
Single-serving cocktails have their place.

It’s often right in front of you.

But punches served in a properly large, accommodating bowl... well, that’s just good sense. Especially this time of year.

So here’s a port punch recipe from Jonathan Pogash, aka the “Cocktail Guru,” which is not an insignificant nickname. You can make it in bulk and dole out the rewards to your friends, your relatives and anyone else who hears you’re making punch and quickly rushes over to partake.

Such are the hazards of making punch.

Ciderhouse Punch

1 bottle Sandeman Porto Founders Reserve
20 oz apple cider
10 oz fresh lemon juice
10 oz ginger syrup

Combine ingredients in a punch bowl with large ice blocks and stir well. Serve with sliced apples and lemons inside the bowl.

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