Food & Drink

Happy Hour

The Man. The Myth. The Cocktail.

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
On the heels of this very new, very strange video—which details the life and times of one Mr. Harvey Wallbanger, the fictional embodiment of this easygoing cocktail—we’re breaking out the same-named drink.

The Harvey Wallbanger was a popular call in the 1970s, when some clever marketing made Galliano the most imported liqueur in the country. Throw in the sheer simplicity of the drink—it’s basically an improvement to the humdrum Screwdriver—and you had hordes of drinkers ordering Wallbangers by the bucketful.

Of course, the 1970s were a dark time for cocktails, so we shouldn’t give that era’s drinkers too much credit. And the drink fell by the wayside over the next 30 years. But recently Galliano has enjoyed a bit of a renaissance, and once more the sweet and herbal liqueur with its vanilla-anise flavor is being used to good effect. In this case, to upgrade vodka and orange juice to an altogether more interesting drink. One that you can consume freely at brunch. Or at happy hour. Or whenever you feel a cold coming on.

Harvey Wallbanger

1 1/2 oz vodka
1/2 oz Galliano
4 oz fresh orange juice

Add vodka and orange juice to an ice-filled collins glass. Top with a float of Galliano.

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