Food & Drink

Pleased as Punch

64 Punch Recipes to Keep in Your Pocket

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
There’s this guy.

Name’s David Wondrich.

And aside from acting as a facial hair mentor, he’s quite the expert on drinks. So when he comes out with a new iPhone app dedicated to punch, it’s advisable to go find a bowl.

Wondrich’s Index of Punch is the follow-up piece to his book, Punch: The Delights (and Dangers) of the Flowing Bowl. And while books are great, they don’t fit so well in your pocket.

The app’s got 64 recipes for hot and cold punches that span six centuries. That’s like 600 years’ worth of punch know-how all compiled into one place for your perusal. Just scroll around, find something you like and get to work.

But considering that a few of these punches contain some less than obvious ingredients (see: palm arrack), you can also go another route. Pull up the ingredients list, check off the ones you’ve already got, and the app will show you exactly which drinks you’re ready to make.

A six-pack and some condiments won’t cut it.

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