Things to do for February 21, 2013

The Weekender

Gefilte Fish Tacos, Liquory Ice Cream and a 250-Pound Pig

Look at the weekend when it’s talking to you.

24 Hours of Ramen Noodles

24 Hours of Ramen Noodles

It’s 4am. And you’ve been, well... never mind. Point is, you need food. Of the liquor-soaking ilk. And hey, the folks at Momi Ramen are happy to oblige. They’ve decided to serve up their noodles 24 hours a day, every day of the week. So, you know... nutritious.

Now serving 24 hours, Momi Ramen, 5 SW 11th St, 786-391-2392

A Jewish Deli + a Taqueria = This

A Jewish Deli + a Taqueria = This

And now for a mashup whose time has finally come: El Ñosh. It’s a Jewish deli/Latin taverna pop-up. Which... finally. Gefilte fish tacos with escabeche: yes. Mole braised brisket with sweet-plantain kugel: sure. Matzo brei tres leches: absolutely. No word on an appearance by Israel Gutierrez.

250 Pounds of Pig. You’ve Got This.

250 Pounds of Pig. You’ve Got This.

You may want to get to Pride & Joy’s patio party a bit early. Reason being: pitmaster Myron Mixon himself will be on hand to roast a 250-pound pig. And for $25 you’ll get two sides, cornbread and all-you-can-eat pig... until they run out. Consider this your starting pistol.

Feb 22, 7-10pm, $25, Pride & Joy, 2800 N Miami Ave, 305-456-9548

Just a Ton of Ice Cream at The James

Just a Ton of Ice Cream at The James

So this Saturday, the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck’s bringing their colorful wares to SoBe for a good ol’ fashioned social. There’ll be a bunch of stations with stuff like coconut sorbet, Nutella-lined cones and housemade whipped cream. Plus: liquory ice cream floats. Tell your flask to take the day off.

FDR Turns One. Time to Get Weird.

FDR Turns One. Time to Get Weird.

Last year, a bouncing baby FDR was born. And to celebrate, they’re having an anniversary party with gratis Rémy Martin cocktails and LeBron’s DJ spinning all night. So... that’s something. But they’re also having Big Boi from OutKast do his thing on the mic. So... that’s something, too.

Feb 25, 11pm-5am, gratis Rémy Martin cocktails 11pm-midnight, FDR at Delano, 1685 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, 305-924-4071

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