4 New Perks
This week Perks is feeling dirty, with an overflowing gift basket of deals that just keeps on giving—lingerie, flowers, sex accoutrements and spanking classes. Approach with wild abandon.
The weekend <span>marches to its own drum.</span>
This week Perks is feeling dirty, with an overflowing gift basket of deals that just keeps on giving—lingerie, flowers, sex accoutrements and spanking classes. Approach with wild abandon.
So there's Southern hospitality, and then there's unloading two-dollar Pulled Pork Sandwiches to be washed down with two-dollar shots. Thankfully for you and everyone you bring to this Wilshire bar, that whole secession thing never panned out.
Most drummers have lived lives mere mortals can only imagine—like 91-year-old local legend Jerrie Thill, who's been in all-girl rock bands since, oh, the '30s. At tonight's blowout honoring her new video, there'll be an open oxygen bar (she's on an oxygen tank, but that doesn't stop her) and...an open regular bar.
In the quickly gutted former home of Allegria, you'll now find Rosemary Skewered Shrimp, steaks and a beer selection curated by the omnipresent Beer Chick. They'll also have their own brew from Skyscraper brewery any day now—so the new owner's priorities seem to be in order.
Inside the Sunset Tower Hotel, you expect to see suits pretending not to ogle Jennifer Aniston. You don't expect a platter of fried chicken with veggies, mashed potatoes and chocolate cake for 25 bucks a person. But you've always liked surprises. And eight-dollar spiked lemonades.
To properly celebrate a temporary indoor tent filled with lingerie—your favorite kind of tent—you're invited to a pre-Valentine's Day party at Beverly Boulevard shop Ten Over Six. Indie crooner Samantha Shelton, who used to sing with Zooey Deschanel, has already RSVPed.