Warby Parker Class Trip

This Means Warby

A School Bus Full of Warby Parker

None You’ve been conditioned to never buy things out of the back of a car.

Or an unmarked van.

Or a stranger’s motorcycle sidecar.

But nobody ever said anything about a yellow school bus...

Welcome to Warby Parker Class Trip, a touring caravan that’s been outfitted with a bunch of the brand’s handsome eyewear, popping up today on Henderson.

Yes, it’s just like the thing you rode to school in the fifth grade. Except no hard green bench seats and way more plush leather sofas, oak shelving, wall-to-wall books (they’ve really got a thing for Kerouac) and a whole lot of smart-looking Warby Parker frames.

Maybe you want to try out a new look for 2013. Maybe your glasses were the casualty of an NYE cork-popping incident. Whatever the reason, stroll over to the parking lot outside Veritas (the bus will be there through the 27th) and try on some glasses. Like that pair of wide-framed, striped-chestnut Roosevelts perfect for a night on the town. Actually, maybe that tortoiseshell monocle. No, wait, you had it right the first time.

Of course, it’s not all spectacle shopping. There’s also a party. So on Saturday, welcome these guys to town at the Old Bike Shop. There’ll be drinks, food from Bolsa, music by Smile Smile... a shoe shine station.

Yup, it’s going to be that kind of party.


Warby Parker Class Trip
2323 N Henderson Ave
Dallas, TX, 75206

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