
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2012

So... that happened. On the final day of 2012, let us pause for a moment and reflect on what’s important—like the fact that we can put all of these incidents behind us. Behold the most dubious moments of 2012.

Schwarzenegger and Stallone Reunite

Schwarzenegger and Stallone Reunite

Arnold Schwarzenegger returned to life as an action star, then hit the hospital for some shoulder surgery... where he randomly ended up in the same room as Sylvester Stallone, who was waiting for some shoulder surgery himself. There’s got to be a ’90s action movie that starts like this...

Tupac Performs at Coachella

Tupac Performs at Coachella

Sure, every musician ever plays Coachella—but typically, they’re alive. Not Tupac. He took the stage in full holographic glory, sending the world into a frenzy wondering what it all meant for the music industry (and our souls). Until a couple of months later, when the hologram company went bankrupt.

Uggie the Dog Gets a Book Deal

Uggie the Dog Gets a Book Deal

Back at the start of this year, everybody was talking about The Artist. You remember. Silent movie. Awesome dog. All the subsequent Oscars were fine, but then things got crazy and the dog got a book deal. We assume there was a ghostwriter. If not, more power to him.

NBA Player Reveals Roscoe’s Tattoo

NBA Player Reveals Roscoe’s Tattoo

This year, people showed their affection for chicken and waffles in two ways: 1) Eating at Roscoe’s. 2) Getting a gigantic Roscoe’s tattoo on their forearm. The latter was blasted to Instagram by Milwaukee Buck Brandon Jennings. We’ll stick with the former.

Restaurants Started Taking Your Phone

Restaurants Started Taking Your Phone

August brought word that Eva chef-owner Mark Gold was so tired of people taking calls at dinner that he requested you turn over your phone at the door—and he’d give you 5% off your bill. Mass confusion ensued as diners attempted to engage in face-to-face conversation.

Honey Boo Boo Meets the Cupcake ATM

Honey Boo Boo Meets the Cupcake ATM

Here came Honey Boo Boo... to Beverly Hills... where she came across the Sprinkles Cupcake ATM. Naturally, she stuck her head in it. Somewhere, McKayla Maroney was grimacing hard.

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