Okay, let’s get this out of the way: right now, you’re probably disinclined to sit outside for cocktails
in a courtyard, no matter how warm said cocktails are or how many blankets they throw at you.
That’s fine. But situations (and historical weather events) change.
And they’ll change by this weekend, so let us tell you about Cour de L’hiver, the new outdoor winter bar in the courtyard at Poste, debuting this Saturday.
Basically, this is like the winter version of a tiki bar. Whereas before you’ve been out here amid herb gardens and umbrellas, now you’ll show up for the fire pits, fondue and hot cocktails.
Sure, it’s a great date spot, but with only a few sofas, real estate here may be at a premium. So best to grab a whole like-minded group of wool-clad friends (you don’t share your sofas with strangers).
Step one: wrap yourselves in faux-fur blankets and gaze into the nearest fire pit. Your coziness now secure, summon your server and get to work on their chill-beating comfort food like mac and cheese, chorizo mussels and s’mores fondue.
Of course, that’s just a precursor to their hot-cocktail list—think green tea with mezcal and Sailor Jerry rum or bacon-infused bourbon with hot cocoa and a cayenne/bacon marshmallow.
Try that, Mr. Stay Puft.
That’s fine. But situations (and historical weather events) change.
And they’ll change by this weekend, so let us tell you about Cour de L’hiver, the new outdoor winter bar in the courtyard at Poste, debuting this Saturday.
Basically, this is like the winter version of a tiki bar. Whereas before you’ve been out here amid herb gardens and umbrellas, now you’ll show up for the fire pits, fondue and hot cocktails.
Sure, it’s a great date spot, but with only a few sofas, real estate here may be at a premium. So best to grab a whole like-minded group of wool-clad friends (you don’t share your sofas with strangers).
Step one: wrap yourselves in faux-fur blankets and gaze into the nearest fire pit. Your coziness now secure, summon your server and get to work on their chill-beating comfort food like mac and cheese, chorizo mussels and s’mores fondue.
Of course, that’s just a precursor to their hot-cocktail list—think green tea with mezcal and Sailor Jerry rum or bacon-infused bourbon with hot cocoa and a cayenne/bacon marshmallow.
Try that, Mr. Stay Puft.