Audible: <em>The Jason</em> from Jack’s Pizza
And now, for your takeout approval: a pizza. Correction: a pizza smothered with more mac and cheese and bacon than you could possibly know what to do with. Although eating it would be a good start.
There are a lot of uncertainties in this world. What you’ll be doing this Sunday at 6:20pm: not one of them. We’re talking, of course, about eating chips. And maybe watching some football. Regarding the former, allow us to suggest a few forward-thinking alternatives for your Super Bowl feast...
And now, for your takeout approval: a pizza. Correction: a pizza smothered with more mac and cheese and bacon than you could possibly know what to do with. Although eating it would be a good start.
It’s one thing to ease into a bar stool at Fox Bros. and have your way with some of the best ribs, wings, pulled pork and banana pudding in town. It’s another thing entirely to have them delivered to your door on game day. The pizza guys need a break anyway.
You’ve never met a breakfast-for-dinner you didn’t like. Especially when it involves a giant pan filled with Italian sausage, eggs, red peppers and Swiss cheese. Pick one up from Casseroles, throw it in the oven... done. Baking, now less horrible.
Not that Chex Mix isn’t amazing, but we’re pretty sure you can do better. Exhibit A: the Bowl-specific takeout menu from Food 101—think Smoked Chili Cheese Dip, hot ham and cheese pretzel rolls and Kobe beef corn dogs. Yes, finger food just got all Richard Branson on you.
Sure, Mims Bledsoe over at Pie Shop would be happy to make you pie-pies like apple, pecan or ginger custard. Fine. But for this particular affair, we were thinking something like sweet potato pie with herb streusel or a Natchitoches Meat Pie may be in order. This isn’t the time for whipped cream.