Elizabeth Berkley

Elizabeth Berkley

On Showgirls, Burgers and David Caruso

UD - Elizabeth Berkley Elizabeth Berkley: actress, dancer... sexy vegetarian. And now—published author. Tonight she’ll be reading from her teen advice book, Ask Elizabeth, so we picked her brain about Showgirls, pickup lines and why she’ll never eat a burger. Ever.

UD: You’ve been to Miami quite a bit. Any favorite spots here?
EB: I’ve stayed at the Delano before and I love it. And the Mandarin Oriental, which was really beautiful and just off the mainland and a little more isolated.

UD: You were once named the World’s Sexiest Vegetarian. What would it take to get you to eat a burger?
EB: Never.

UD: Never?
EB: Never.

UD: Okay, noted. What’s the one question about Saved by the Bell people ask you most?
EB: They ask me if I still keep in touch with the rest of the cast. And I do—we grew up together. The other thing people ask me is what my favorite episode is, or they’ll start singing a favorite song from an episode. The most popular seems to be the “I’m so excited, I’m so excited, I’m so... scared” line.

UD: And your reaction is?
EB: I love it.

UD: Nice. So what do you get asked about more—Saved by the Bell or Showgirls?
EB: Showgirls has been embraced in such a huge way, now it’s a cult classic, so I have a lot of people who ask about it. Saved by the Bell is on every day, so you can’t escape it.

UD: All the editors at UD are fans of Showgirls. Big fans.
EB: That’s fun. It’s fun to me that when it first came out, it was so controversial. And now in our culture it doesn’t have the same charge to it.

UD: Totally. What did you think when you first read the script?
EB: At that time in my life, I was more focused on the opportunity. To dance and to act, and the fact that it was a leading role—the fact that I trained my whole life as a dancer. And the fact that the filmmaker had made Sharon Stone the biggest star in the world right after Basic Instinct. It was kind of a no-brainer to me.

UD: Ha. So, final question. Is David Caruso that intense in person?
EB: He’s not that intense. That’s why he’s a good actor. He comes to the set with laser-beam focus and professionalism like none other, and I love that. I’ve actually missed him since they put my [CSI: Miami] character in an institution.

UD: We’ve missed you, too.


Elizabeth Berkley
at Books & Books
9700 Collins Ave
Bal Harbour, FL, 33154

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