The Self-Portrait Project


A Mobile Photo Booth Inside a Bar

UD - The Self-Portrait Project Jot this down.

Ninja costume. Pan flute. Michael Bolton wig. One brunette. And a baby badger.

Okay, good. Now what you’ll want to do is promptly gather these items and head to the Old Fourth Ward. It’s for a photo shoot.

Oh, and you’re the photographer. Also, the model...

Welcome to The Self-Portrait Project, a traveling art consortium involving you, a tricked-out photo booth and whatever you want to happen in there, making its next stop tonight at Sister Louisa’s Church of the Living Room and Ping Pong Emporium.

The whole thing was cooked up by a guy from Brooklyn named Andy, who thought it would be a good idea to tour the country with an impromptu photo booth and let people have their way with it. And tonight, that would be you.

So you’ll want to make for Sister Louisa’s, quaff the requisite amount of Spiritual Sangria and head to wardrobe (or the bathroom) to slip into something a bit more... inspired. Then, enter the booth/makeshift studio. Inside: nothing more than a two-way mirror with a camera behind it, a remote trigger so you can do your own photographic bidding and a random backdrop—the rest is pretty much up to you.

But we should also mention that your photographic escapades may or may not be part of a book and subsequent exhibition Andy will be putting together at the end of the tour.

Deploy Bolton wig at your own risk.


The Self-Portrait Project
at Sister Louisa’s
466 Edgewood Ave
Atlanta, GA, 30312

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