
Get Out of Dodge

This Weekend: Rafting and Skydiving in Maine

UD - Jump and Raft Ever since you watched Indiana Jones jump out of a plane and land on a river raft in Temple of Doom, you've wanted to try it for yourself.

With some barbecue thrown in, obviously.

Enter Jump and Raft, your next great adrenaline-junkie weekend in the wilds of Maine.

This is the only place in New England where you can raft a Class 5 river and skydive from 11,000 feet, and here's how it works: you and some friends will make the five-hour drive to Penobscot River Outpost for two days of heart-pounding fearlessness (and burgers). You'll start by tackling a roaring Class 5 river on a 16-foot raft, followed by an afternoon riverside BBQ, some more rafting and an evening bonfire party to wrap up the day (also known as the "I'm still alive" celebration).

After a buffet breakfast the next morning, you'll be shuttled to a nearby airfield, suited up and pushed out of a plane 11,000 feet in the air, tandem-style, while video cameras record the look of excitement/terror on your face (don't worry, there's training).

In terms of sleeping arrangements, you can brave the elements of northern Maine in anything from a simple tent to an octagonal canvas hut with electricity called a "yurt." But either way, you'll be happy to know that you'll be close to an on-site bar and grill.

Even when camping, one needs the bare essentials of life.

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