

The App Tiger Should Have Used

UD - iTrust Trust is an important aspect of any solid relationship.

But sometimes you can't help but wonder if private eyes are trying to pry into your (potentially incriminating) phone.

Which brings us to iTrust, the new iPhone app that sets a trap for anyone trying to get into your phone when you're not looking.

Here's how it works: once you download iTrust from iTunes, you'll take a screenshot of the screen you'd like to monitor (your texts inbox is a good place to start). Leave the app open and casually go about your business (take a walk along the Charles, hit up a bar or just sit down on your couch and watch Garnett and Rondo for a while).

When you return, iTrust presents a detailed, slow-motion play-by-play of any movement on the touch screen (which is locked while the app is open), showing you exactly which programs someone attempted to access, the time of contact and how their fingers moved across the screen.

Now, we're not endorsing that you should, say, run off and engage in 11 different relationships at once because of this app, but it should shed a little light on what happens to your phone when you're not looking—and whether it's maybe a good time to have a pleasant conversation about the sanctity of one's personal data.

That, or lock up the golf clubs.

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