Maine Dogsledding Adventures

To the Dogs

Commanding Your Own Dogsled Team

2010. Another year. And with it, another opportunity for adventure.

And while you can do some pretty crazy things while sitting in front of your computer, we think now's the perfect time to throw on a parka and say yes to a little outdoor adrenaline rush.

Presenting Maine Dogsledding Adventures, a hands-on four-day odyssey through the Nahmakanta Wilderness involving snowmobiles, secluded lake camps and ripping through 25 miles of terrain per day while steering a dogsled of six howling Alaskan huskies. Your Iron Will moment has arrived.

Here's how it works: after scheduling your trip, you and a friend will travel to Millinocket, Maine, and crash one night in a motel, and in the morning you'll be escorted eight miles by snowmobile to a base camp (where there are no such thing as roads). A detailed rundown on how to harness and drive your very own team of huskies follows (expect to yell "mush" a lot), then you, your co-adventurer and your guide head off into the tundra.

From there it's two full days in some of the most pristine woods in Maine's lakes region, and in case you thought it would be all Iditarod and no fun, each night you'll feast in a 19th-century dining hall before retiring to your own private lakeside log cabin.

Think of it as the W Anchorage.


Maine Dogsledding Adventures
PO Box 544
Millinocket, ME, 04462

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