Things to do for November 19, 2009

The Weekender

Chinese Burlesque, Short-Rib Hash and Morning Jazz

The weekend is having a good hair weekend.

Good Luck Bar Turns 15

Good Luck Bar Turns 15

The well-worn ruby-and-gold Los Feliz institution is pulling out all the stops for tonight's eye-popping birthday festivities—fake twins doing Chinese burlesque, two Kogi trucks (one Korean BBQ, one shaved ice), $2 beers and $5 drinks all night. The memories will be priceless, if you remember them.

Nov 19, 7pm-2am, Good Luck Bar, 1514 N. Hillhurst Ave, Los Feliz, 323-666-3524

The Maker's Marc Jacobs at Comme Ça

The Maker's Marc Jacobs at Comme Ça

Gift shopping may be unavoidable, but it doesn't have to be unbearable. Now you can follow up your stroll through Marc Jacobs with…a Maker's Marc Jacobs up the street at Comme Ça. One of these $10 twists on a classic Manhattan and you're ready to get back to it. Or maybe one more.

4-6pm daily, Comme Ça, 8479 Melrose Ave, 323-782-1104

The Grove's One-Touch Concierge

The Grove's One-Touch Concierge

The Grove's new Web concierge, operable on any mobile phone, can help you call a cab, scour sales, summon a bellman to handle your bags and, most important, avoid the Pratt-Montag book signing.

Now available here

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Wine Auction

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Wine Auction

If you've forgotten what the word "recession" even means, Aubrey McClendon—considered by many to be America's greatest wine collector—is unloading some 3000 bottles from his secret stash, including a full original wood case of 1959 Lafite Rothschild. That will be one expensive bender.

Jazz Brunch at Dakota

Jazz Brunch at Dakota

Inside the Roosevelt, 18 bucks now gets you all the jazz, salmon, yogurt, pastries and Chocolate-Covered Cheesecake you want. Another 10 adds an entrée like Short-Rib Hash and Poached Egg. Oh, and another 10 gets you bottomless Bloody Marys. Call it your new value meal.

Sundays, 11am-3pm, free valet, 7000 Hollywood Blvd, 323-759-8888, menu here

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