

Fine Wine, One Email at a Time

UD - 750 mL Tomorrow, Saturday finally arrives. Which can only mean one thing—another dinner party thrown by your friend the plastics lobbyist.

Expected: the Yemeni ambassador, an undersecretary at Energy, even Joe Lockhart. And you're itching to tell everyone what you can do with wind power in Yemen.

Trouble is, you've been tasked with the wine, the menu has something to do with baby octopus, and you're one sommelier short…

Enter the Personalized Pairing Service at 750 mL, saving your wine reputation via the magic of email as of now.

Here's how it goes: head to the site and click on "personalized wine pairings." Answer a few key questions via an online form—what's on the menu, what makes the dinner unique (e.g., the undersecretary's date is Olivia Wilde), what you generally quaff and what your (or your host's) price ceiling is.

Within a few hours, you'll get an exclusive—and exhaustive—email that will tell you what reds, whites and bubblies go best with your dishes, suggest a few specific bottles and even inspire you to greater feats of gastronomy. ("Something tells me you like to eat. And you're not afraid of a little power on your palate…")

The source: Nilay Gandhi, a wine merchant turned blogger (that old story), who will continue dispensing free advice through Thanksgiving.

Turns out pinot pairs surprisingly well with green bean casserole.


Personalized Pairing Service at 750 mL

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