And that's okay. You can keep up. But there's one thing in your workday you've been missing lately.
Recess. After your morning meeting, and before your afternoon conference call, you should still get recess.
And now you can. For your low-key-getaway needs at any time of day, a low-key bistro-y hideaway called, yes, Recess is now open.
Based on the idea that everybody needs a no-fuss escape, Recess upstages your old cafeteria pretty quickly—yes, you'll want to get a glimpse of what's behind the counter, but you should expect to see some pristine orzo salad instead of gray mystery meat. Or just order a non-boxed juice and a salad, pizza or panini (the Bully is salami, pastrami and prosciutto—guess your arteries are the victim), and they'll bring it out to your table on the sidewalk when it's ready.
If you're worried the experience might be missing the one thing you never had at recess—beer and wine—not to worry, they're working on it.
And take your time. There's no whistle.