
The Magic Touch

Vegas's Sweetheart Goes Exotic

UrbanDaddy - Scarlett, the Princess of Magic Vegas is a journey. It has its ups (like Friday night), its downs (like Sunday morning) and a few unexpected twists along the way. But at some point, you'll usually end up appreciating the female form in all its unfettered glory.

It just usually doesn't involve pulling a rabbit out of a hat…
Introducing the new show from Scarlett, the Princess of Magic, a children's magician who has turned her talents to a more…exotic kind of magic, debuting July 1.
Anyone with children might remember Scarlett from her old act: entrancing moppets with Houdini-style antics in one of the city's more popular family-friendly acts. But the lure of Vegas is strong enough to corrupt even the sweetest magic acts, so starting next Wednesday the redhead will be turning to the dark side and presiding over a chorus line of topless dancers at the Riviera—possibly sawing a few of them in half.
In other words, she's graduating from tiny tots to not-so-tiny tits—a necessary move if you want your own show on the Strip. And while you might recognize a few dancers if you're an X Burlesque fan, there'll be plenty more to look at. Scarlett won a Merlin Award last November (a Daytime Emmy for magicians; you know you want one), and her latest trick is running herself, fully clothed, through a razor-sharp, high-powered industrial fan.

Early reviews suggest her leotard emerges intact.


Scarlett, the Princess of Magic
at Riviera Hotel & Casino
2901 Las Vegas Blvd S.
The Strip

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