
Evil Soccer

The Good vs. Evil Foosball Table

You're a pretty good guy.

Sometimes, though, you like things to get a little ugly. Especially when it comes to, say, foosball. Introducing the Good versus Evil table.

Newly launched from deluxe foosball table makers Eleven Forty, the Good versus Evil table is your opportunity to spar against the worst figures the world has ever producedor use them for your sick game-room amusement. Suiting up for Team Evil are Jack the Ripper, Idi Amin, Lucifer, Caligula and, of course, Hitler (a key playmaker from the center midfield spot). On the Good side, you've got Santa Claus (in goal), God, Christopher Robin, Mother Teresa, Saint Francis of Assisi and Gandhi (behold his amazing stamina).

And because the tables hail from Eleven Forty, essentially the Aston Martin manufacturers of table soccer, the craftsmanship is high. Each custom-made table features hardwood cabinetry, a glass playing surface with ultraviolet markings, stainless steel rebound boards, polished brass scoreboards and a lighting system that can be dimmed to your liking.

The rub: Only 20 were produced, and they run nearly $30,000 a pop. But you have to admit, giving Lucifer a head-butt in the chest is just about worth it.


Good vs. Evil Foosball Table

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