
Brew Your Own Beer with This Countertop Device

The iGulu S1 Is a Smart and Compact Home Brewer That Makes Beer in About a Week

Image: iGulu

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

But give a man a countertop beer maker, wherein all he has to learn is how to push a few buttons, and he'll be much happier than in any of the aforementioned fish-related scenarios.

Words to live by.

The iGulu S1 is a new smart home brewing appliance that makes beer and serves beer, so you'll never go thirsty again. It's live on Kickstarter now, where it quickly exceeded its fundraising goal, and product delivery is estimated for this December.

man makes beer with igulu s1

The device combines fermentation, cooling and dispensing in one unit. Add one of the ingredient kits and filtered water into the fermentation keg, then initiate the brewing process via the digital display. Ingredient kits include an RFID card, which the machine recognizes so it can begin brewing to the specific beer's parameters, whether an easygoing pilsner, a hoppy IPA or a Bavarian wheat.

The device ensures precise control of pressure, temperature and time, so you can set it and forget it. Or use the custom controls if you want to experiment or actually know what you're doing. The corresponding app will let you track the process, and after one to two weeks, depending on the type of beer, your creation will be carbonated, chilled and ready to drink.

controlling the igulu s1 with a phone app

If you want a break from homebrewed beer or need something quick to serve a crowd, the iGulu S1 also accommodates five-liter mini kegs, so you can dole out cold draft beer to your guests.

Perform mini keg stands at your own risk.

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