
This Site Lets You Prank Call Russian Officials

Because Wasting the Government's Time Is a Form of Resistance


It's hard to know what to do when the world's gone mad.

And we're pretty sure that placing a few prank calls to Russian government officials won't put an end to the unfortunate war in Ukraine. 

But it can certainly annoy the hell out of some bureaucrats.

And that's something.

Waste Russian Time is a new site from a hacktivist collective called Obfuscated Dreams of Scheherazade. Apparently, they've obtained more than 5,000 phone numbers for government officials, including those linked to the Kremlin and FSB.

The site places calls automatically—all you have to do is click the little phone icon. And rather than connecting you with an official, it connects two random officials with each other. The idea is to confuse them and, like the name implies, waste their time. And you'll be there, anonymously listening to it all unfold. Even if you don't speak Russian, you can still enjoy knowing you caused a little harmless chaos. 

Per the site's founders:

"This is a civil intervention: if you are hanging on the phone, you canʼt drop bombs, you canʼt coordinate soldiers, you canʼt make invasion plans. It brings a bit of chaos to the warmongering of the Russian government. We donʼt want war, ever. We want a peaceful intervention."

Note that the site has been getting a ton of traffic since launching this week, so it may go through periods of downtime. If that's the case, check back later and you should find it operational. Then, start calling.

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