You can't rhyme anything with orange. And they make terrible baseballs. So the purpose of oranges has always seemed pretty straightforward: You either eat them or squeeze them for juice.
Or so we've been led to believe by Big Fruit.
But, as it turns out, they also make great lamps.
Ohmie is a new project that's producing 3D-printed lamps from orange peels. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, the products are now live and shipping to your bedside table.

Ohmie the Orange Lamp comes from Krill Design, a Milan-based studio that aims to turn waste into useable products. Each lamp is made from 100% natural and compostable materials—in this case, discarded orange peels from a food producer in Sicily. The peels are dried, ground and combined with vegetable starch to create the biopolymer base used by the 3D printer.
Once printed, the lamp functions like a typical lamp, with a power cord, lightbulb and on/off switch with a dimmer. It stands just over nine inches tall, so it's a good option for your desk or as a reading light. It also smells faintly of oranges, which is an added bonus.
Though it may leave you craving some juice or a Negroni.